Emilio Guerra de Taste Du Vin assurera vendredi soir un cours d’oenologie en anglais à l’Alliance Française de Miami. En plus de la dégustation de vins italiens, français et espagnols, l’intervenant vous apprendra à associer ces grands crus avec les plats qui rehausseront leurs saveurs. Il vous initiera aussi aux grandes régions viticoles et aux raisons de leur succès.
Vins blancs : Segura Viudas Brut Cava (Espagne),
Drouhin Chablis Bourgogne (France),
Zenato Pinot Grigio (Italie)
Vins rouges : Vero Pinot Noir (France)
Ricasoli Chianti Classico (Italie), Torres Salmos Priorat (Espagne)
Où ? Alliance Française South Florida, 618 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33130, Tel: 305.859.8760
Quand ? Vendredi 22 Octobre à 19h
Combien ? $30 par personne
Réservations au 305.859.876
Capacité de 24 personnes
0 Responses
Very interesting comment. Reverse culture shock truly is a very precious and limited time frame allowing this kind of fresh outlook, back and forth examination between the two countries. Just as if one foot was still on French grounds while the other one is already stepping the American turf.
Sometimes, this constant and inevitable cross-examination can be exhausting and endless, making us constantly rave about what we left behind, and judge what we are up against. Taking a distance helps clarify by bringing a perspective making things less dramatic for us by showing us what is deeply rooted in the cultural DNA of a given country versus what is purely temporary and will vanish. History will tell.
Anyhow, after 17 years in California, and upon returning to France and having raised my sons in both cultures, I felt I had to investigate further delving into History and literature as well as philosophy. Reading Henry James, Tocqueville and Chateaubriand – to name a few – better helped me see through this all, convincing me that certain things are “here to stay”. When Henry James declares about America (after having lived in England for 20 years), that “this century (20th) will be the century of children…” I truly believe that genetically speaking, the making of today’s America was already visible and predictable in the 19th century and extremely well described by both Tocqueville and Chateaubriand in pointing for example, the horizontalization of society – including putting the parents at the same level as their children to reach today’s situation in which parents have to constantly negotiate everything with their own children which they tend to now fear…
Some food for thought : there are some places such as school and the family where democracy is probably not the best system (quoting André Comte-Sponville, French Philosopher)
Best of luck.
Nathalie Monsaint-Baudry
author of “Etre Française et Américaine, l’interculturalité vécue”