Le summer camp du Lycée Français de New York est de retour !
Cette année encore, le « Glee-cee Francais » offre aux 7-10 ans l’opportunité de monter leur propre comédie musicale avec l’aide de chorégraphes et de musiciens de Broadway.
Pendant dix jours, de 9h à 14h, les enfants participeront à des ateliers théâtre, danse, spectacle vivant et musique (en anglais et en français) : l’occasion rêvée pour apprendre en s’amusant tout en boostant sa confiance en soi !
Le summer camp se divise en deux sessions : la première aura lieu du mercredi 22 juin au vendredi 1er juillet et la seconde du mardi 5 au vendredi 15 juillet. Le contenu changeant d’une session à l’autre il est possible de participer aux deux sessions.
Les participants se produiront ensuite sur la scène du Lycée et un DVD de la représentation finale sera distribué aux parents !
Cliquez ici pour le formulaire d’inscription ! Les frais s’élèvent à $1760 par session et il n’y a pas de date limite d’inscription.
Lycée Français de New York
505 East 75th Street
New York, NY 10021
[email protected]
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C’est Magnifique! NY Toddlers Get Frenchified at Summer Camp
A Manhattan French Summer camp for
kids organized by Brigitte Saint-Ouen, a Parisian art dealer and mother
of two. Brigitte has created a multi-cultural half day camp for Pre-K
Children of all levels of French. Activities include arts and crafts,
music composition with a professional jazz musician, dance from French
influenced areas like West Africa–all within a French-speaking
environment. We offer two sessions from June-August for a combined five
weeks at the fraction of the price of other New York City day camps.
New York, NY (PRWEB) May 14, 2011
Calling all Francophiles! New York City parents looking to give their
children a little continental je-ne-sais quoi for summer camp need look
no further. High-flying Parisian art dealer and ex-pat, Brigitte
Saint-Ouen, has started a French day camp for the Pre-K set. Children at
all levels of French – from the “my parents just think it sounds
pretty” to the truly bilingual – will find a home away from home at the
EINY (École Internationale de New York).
Three- and four-year-old kids will have the opportunity to: play
together, make arts and crafts, compose music with a professional jazz
musician, dance and sing to the rhythms of other places in the
French-speaking world (like West Africa) and learn ballet (mais, bien
sur!) all while immersed in a French-heavy environment.
Sick of the expensive and English-heavy summer day camp options
available for her own bilingual twins, Ms Saint-Ouen decided to take
matters into her own hands and create the
French Summer Camp for Toddlers she dreamed of. The result? A
multi-cultural half-day environment (appropriate for younger children)
divided into three sessions: one 2-week session, one 3-week session or a
combined 5-week session – each for a fraction of the price other New
York City day camps charge.
About French Summer Camp for Toddlers
French Summer Camp is in its inaugural year. Brigitte St. Ouen, the
founder, has long served as a hub for the French ex-pat community in New
York City with her popular French-in-NYC lifestyle blog, http://www.32finearts.blogspot.com and Post-Impressionist – Contemporary art gallery, 32 Fine Arts.
For more information and video opportunities, please contact Brigitte Saint-Ouen at (212) 780.0932.
Contact Person: Brigitte St. Ouen
Company Name: French Summer Camp for Toddlers
Phone Number: (212) 780.0932
Email Address: frenchpg(at)32finearts(dot)com
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