Floanne nous convie au Metropolitan Room le 13 juillet pour un solo cabaret show exceptionnel. Floanne reprendra des classiques de la chanson française et de la chanson américaine … et mélangera les deux ! Elle chantera ainsi sa propre traduction de « Are you lonesome » en français et, inversement, régalera son public avec une version anglaise de « Pour un flirt avec toi ». La chanteuse confie qu’elle est heureuse de pouvoir jouer dans le Metropolitan Room, salle dont elle parle avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme.
Le spectacle, Floin’ to America, aura lieu au Metropolitan Room le 13 juillet à 19h. Entrée : 20 dollars (two drinks minimum). Réservations en ligne. 34 West 22d Street (entre les 5è et 6è Avenues)
Floanne sera aussi à l’affiche des French Culture Nights le 16 juillet.
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C’est magnifique! NY Toddlers get Frenchified at Summer Camp.
Calling all Francophiles! New York City parents looking to give their
children a little continental je-ne-sais quoi for summer camp need look
no further. High-flying Parisian art dealer and ex-pat, Brigitte
Saint-ouen, has started a french day camp for the Pre-K set. Children at
all levels of French – from the “my parents just think it sounds
pretty” to the truly bilingual – will find a home away from home at 111
East 22nd Street.
Three and four-year-old kids will have the opportunity to: play
together, make arts and crafts, compose music with a professional jazz
musician, and dance and sing to the rhythms of other places in the
French-speaking world.
The session will be taught by Clement along with his guitar, Luma the
Pianist, as well as Brigitte Saint-Ouen, who will lead a visual fine
arts program which will include drawing, watercolor painting and
introductory sculpture and crafts. Don’t let this unique opportunity
pass you by! The number of available places during this session are
The camp will take place over a three-week period, starting on Monday,
18th July until Thursday, August 4th from 9am-12pm. The doors will be
open from 8:30am onwards.
Week 1: Monday, 18th July — Tuesday 21st July
Week 2: Monday 25th July – Thursday 28th July
Week 3: Monday 1st August — Thursday 4th August
The full cost of the 3-week Session is: $540
However, if you wish to pay on a weekly basis, it is: $220/week
Apply as soon as possible by contacting us through the link posted at the top.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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